Sunday, August 8, 2010

While we live through the length of our lives, we should not forget it has a width as well.

If I could be anything right now..I would like to be an unpredictable evening....

Well, you just learn to say goodbyes..

While in college we all have these rebellious thoughts and ideas and desire to "make a difference"...but it doesn't take too long to realise tht we are just another sheep of the flock and making a difference doesn't really come within quotes.

Where is my white rabbit, isn't it getting too late for him ?

I am but only limited, not so my desires... irony !

Right Click, Refresh , Sort By, Date Modified

Please don't judge me by the rules, I am the exception.

Don't worry about some of the people from your past, there is a reason why they didn't make it to your future.

The world is not yet ready for honesty !

I am that dream, which is beautiful only because its incomplete..

Wht is truth ..but the image of lie.

I like winters...when everything is frozen, nothing sinks in.

To dwell in the completeness of incomplete or the incompleteness of complete?

Permanence is a self-contradictary term.

I took the idea of 'living in the moment' too seriously... myopia is the side-effect.

Every now and then ...I wish it was then.

What people call arrogance..I call it lack of self-doubt.

Why change something which is already prefect !

I like writing in my mind as there is no proof of the past, the same poetry seems new everyday.

Its nice to find sumthings that u didn't knw existed with u...some money left in one of your jeans' pocket, a nice old top somewhere in your closet that still fits you, an old flower between the pages of your diary. Yes, it was one of those days :)

A conscience is what hurts when all your other parts feel so good.

After it rained yesterday night and I melted into clay, I asked him to mould me as a pitcher this time...I need to learn to hold

Sometimes you just need to hang-in there...

Hope in the prison of spring.

So much to do and so less time and lesser the times when you are actually doing those things...

It is because there is more than one level of reality that life is paradoxical in nature.

living by your shore...

It sumtimes seems like a film that simply slipped off the reel...

Futility of relationships...

I am not looking for my dreams to interpret my life, but rather my life to interpret my dreams...

I dug through the nite, but didnt strike water....

I like days when I dont get time to think on "things that matter"

..of the lazy afternoons and the not so lazy thoughts...

Love involves a peculiar combination of understanding and misunderstanding.

If its too magical, it cant be real...

..of few words and fewer meanings.

Times when time seems useless...

When things start looking monumental change your perspective from an Ant's eye view to a Bird's eye view

head's off in the stratosphere :|

Hope is so over-rated...

Uff...the indulgences of an untamed heart !

There is no doubt that the potential for greatness is living in all of us and that the immensity of the human existence is only rivaled by the vastness of the universe but only time will tell if we have really fully understood this premise...

Ate a rainbow :D

Nitisha Singh wants to be swept away with winds of change...

Magnificent, Mesmerising , Sinister , Bewitchingly Beautiful... the Moon.

A day of life, I idled away in the hope of new morn.. But alas, Life was just that day !

Growing into an adult with an attention span of a child

Wish there was a put option with life....

.... at my wits' end.

Two cents for the sun, four cents for the rain...

Butterflies in my mind...

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Everyone is a prostitute if the price is right.

Life is like vodka...the motivation is not its taste while you are drinking it but the high you reach after that

I should stop ending my sentences with dots or exclamations...there isn't really any extra depth to what I say....

Considering life is like hair, does anyone know how to get rid of its Split Ends?

All play and no work makes Jack the coolest boy ever...

Imagination was given to man to compensate him for what he is not...a sense of humor to console him for what he is.

Going long on Love and short selling Freedom

Why do we call it Building, even when they are complete.... Shouldnt it be Built ?

I am increasingly becoming a Dilbertian.

Why do we call it a Deadline..noone's dead whn u reach there. I think Dud-line wuld be more appropriate.

Most of my cliches aren't original.

And you can go back to being pointless....

Why does life keeps teaching me lessons, I have no desire to learn.


Ayn Rand's primary contribution to society was providing moral justification to being a fucking asshole

Nothing makes a person more productive than the last minute.

I havent grown up, I havent grown down..Only way it went, was round and round

"I now pronounce you... a fruit basket and a nut case"

Monkeys like bananas and it doesn't rain much in Sahara...yes we know the obvious!

All I try each day is to become less un-wise but inertia fails me.

My browser understands me so well..I just type the first letter.... f , t , c , o , g.. and it goes where I want ...wish boyfriends had similar algorithms .

I am in a relationship with my laptop and its purely physical.

Whenever I start blogging, I wear my smarty-pants and adorn my wise-hat.

The rate at which I update my Facebook status, I wouldn't have much problem gathering data for my autobiography...

There are many skills you learn in corporate of them is feigning interest.

My favourite tense is Past Perfect !

While I had been building so many webs around me, nobody told me I was not a Spiderwoman

Screw you guys, I'm goin' home!

Apparently, we have three minds - Creative, Constructive and Critical.... Creative - when we think out of the box, Constructive - when we build a box around that thought and Critical - when we know we now have two boxes of crap to deal with !

A talking snake made a lady eat an apple and we are screwed ...

I a m j u s t s p a c i n g o u t m y t h o u g h t s t h e s e d a y s